Did you know that about 25% of homes have foundation issues? Understanding “what percentage of homes have foundation issues” can help you prevent problems in your own home. In this article, we’ll explore the causes, warning signs, and impact on property values.

Quick Summary

  • Foundation issues are prevalent, with 25% of new homes experiencing structural distress and 80% of structural insurance claims related to foundation movement.

  • Common causes of foundation problems include soil expansion, erosion, poor construction practices, and environmental factors; early detection can prevent extensive damage and high repair costs.

  • Foundation issues can significantly affect a home’s market value, potentially reducing it by 10% to 20%; addressing these issues promptly can restore value and prevent further damage.

0 Introduction

Imagine purchasing your dream home, only to discover that its very foundation, the bedrock upon which your sanctuary stands, is faltering. It’s a scenario that’s all too real for many homeowners. According to the National Association of Homebuilders, a staggering 80% of structural home insurance claims result from foundation movement, and shockingly, 25% of all new homes experience structural distress related to foundation problems.

These statistics are not just numbers; they represent the silent anxieties of homeowners across the country, including those in Akron, Ohio. Foundation problems may develop without much warning and can take years to become evident. This means that the ground you walk on within your home may be shifting subtly, heralding the need for vigilance and understanding of this pervasive issue.

Prevalence of Foundation Issues in Homes

As you stroll through any neighborhood, bear in mind that roughly one in four new homes grapples with structural distress from foundation issues, affecting their structural integrity. This prevalent issue impacts numerous homeowners, as evidenced by 80% of structural home insurance claims originating from foundation movement. And it doesn’t just end there; about 25% of homes in the U.S. will suffer from some kind of structural defect during their lifetime, including those in Akron, Ohio.

When it comes to foundation issues, many homeowners face a tough decision. A recent survey revealed that while 60% of homeowners would opt to fix foundation issues, a significant 24% would consider selling their homes instead. But selling might not be the escape one hopes for, as foundation problems can greatly affect a home’s market value. In areas like Texas, where expansive clay soil leads to slab heave and foundation failures, homeowners are all too familiar with the havoc that foundation movement can wreak.

Common Causes of Foundation Problems

What is it that causes the ground beneath our feet, and our homes, to become so unstable? Soil expansion and soil erosion are significant issues, particularly in regions with expansive clay soil, like certain areas in Ohio. This type of soil can lead to alarming issues such as cracks in walls and bricks, leaning chimneys, and those troublesome sticking doors and windows.

However, causes of foundation issues aren’t limited to soil alone. Poor construction practices, such as improper soil preparation and the use of inferior materials, can predispose a home to future foundation shifting. Add to that the unpredictable hand of nature and environmental factors like weather and moisture levels, and it becomes clear why maintaining a home’s foundation can be such a complex task.

Signs Your Home Might Have Foundation Issues

What signs should you look for to determine if your home is affected by foundation issues? Visible signs often prompt homeowners to seek free assessments. These include cracks in walls, misaligned doors and windows, and sticking doors and windows, which are tell-tale indicators of underlying foundation damage.

More significant signs of foundation issues include:

  • Bowing, sinking, or sloping surfaces

  • Sagging floors, especially in homes with a crawl space

  • Signs of water or water damage in crawl spaces and basements, which can be precursors to foundation issues.

How Foundation Issues Affect Home Value

Foundation issues carry substantial financial implications, potentially causing a home’s value to drop by 10% to 20% in case of a failed foundation. The cosmetic issues that accompany foundation problems, like unsightly cracks and sloping floors, can significantly detract from a home’s appeal and, therefore, its value.

However, there’s a silver lining. Addressing foundation problems not only stops further damage but can also restore the home’s value. This is particularly true if the repairs come with a transferable warranty, adding a layer of security for potential buyers. Ignoring the issue, on the other hand, can lead to a reduced asking price to account for the cost of repairs a buyer would need to shoulder.

Typical Costs for Foundation Repairs

Covering the costs for foundation repairs can be another daunting experience for homeowners. The average homeowner spends about $4,500 on repairs, with basic interventions averaging around $3,500 and more extensive, major repairs potentially exceeding $10,000.

The type of repair needed directly influences the cost. Something as simple as mending small cracks could cost a mere $500, while addressing significant damage like bowing walls might demand an investment between $4,000 and $15,000. Given these numbers, it’s evident why catching and addressing foundation issues early can be a substantial financial relief.

Importance of Early Detection and Repair

Why let a minor crack develop into a massive chasm? Early detection and repair of foundation issues are crucial in preventing further structural damage and avoiding the steep climb of repair costs. Addressing foundation cracks and investing in foundation repair for other minor problems swiftly can save a fortune and maintain the integrity and value of your home.

Minor foundation issues, if neglected, might invite more concerning problems like mold or vermin, which compromise not only the structure but also the health and comfort of your home. Timely repair ensures your home remains a safe and secure haven for you and your family.

Hiring a Structural Engineer

Given the complex nature of foundation issues, consulting a professional with the technical expertise for a comprehensive evaluation makes sense. Enter the structural engineer. They bring an advanced level of knowledge, backed by a Bachelor’s Degree and years of supervised experience, to inspect your home’s foundation with a fine-tooth comb.

While home inspectors offer valuable general insights, a structural engineer is specialized in detecting the subtleties of foundation issues that might escape others’ notice. This level of scrutiny comes with a price—anywhere from $300 to $1,500 for a detailed report—but it’s a prudent investment that can eliminate conflicts of interest and ensure the longevity of the repair work.

Insurance Coverage for Foundation Repairs

Untangling the intricacies of insurance coverage for foundation repairs can be as challenging as identifying the problem itself. Homeowners insurance might cover damages resulting from a fire or a sudden plumbing leak, but generally, it doesn’t cover the gradual wear and tear that can lead to foundation issues.

That’s why it’s crucial to document any foundation damage and repair efforts meticulously. Keeping a detailed record can be invaluable when it comes time to file a claim for damages resulting from a covered risk. Remember, insurance may be a safety net, but it’s one with finely woven terms that require careful consideration.

Preventative Measures to Protect Your Home’s Foundation

The saying “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” is particularly relevant to maintaining your home’s foundation. Regular inspections and maintenance are the bulwarks against the creeping onset of foundation issues. By keeping an eye on your foundation and maintaining a good drainage system, you can protect your Akron, Ohio home from potential damage.

Moreover, consistency is key when it comes to the moisture levels in the soil surrounding your home’s foundation. Inconsistent moisture can lead to soil expansion or shrinkage, which in turn can cause cracking and instability. So, to maintain consistent moisture levels and protect your home’s foundation, consider the following steps:

  • Grade the ground around your home to ensure proper drainage away from the foundation.

  • Clear your gutters regularly to prevent water from overflowing and seeping into the soil near the foundation.

  • Install a root barrier to prevent invasive tree roots from causing damage to the foundation.

By taking these measures, you can help prevent foundation issues and ensure the stability of your home.

Free Home Assessments

Luckily, homeowners don’t have to navigate the journey towards a stable foundation alone. Companies like Ohio Basement Systems, a nationwide foundation services firm, offer free home assessments to homeowners in northern Ohio, providing a comprehensive evaluation of foundation issues, complete with corrective measures.

These assessments can be a game-changer, especially during the home buying process or when preparing to sell. Armed with a detailed report from a free assessment, you can confidently address any issues, potentially saving thousands of dollars and safeguarding your investment.


To encapsulate, foundation issues are a prevalent concern that can have far-reaching impacts on your home’s structural integrity and value. By understanding the common causes, recognizing the signs, and taking preventative measures, you can protect your home and your peace of mind. Remember, the foundation of your home in Akron, Ohio, is the cornerstone of your sanctuary; give it the attention it deserves.

Frequently Asked Questions

How often should I inspect my home’s foundation?

Inspecting your home’s foundation at least twice a year is recommended to identify early signs of issues like cracks or water damage. Making this a regular practice can help prevent more serious problems in the future.

Are foundation problems common in new homes?

Yes, foundation problems are fairly common in new homes, with around 25% experiencing some form of structural distress.

What is the typical cost for foundation repairs?

Foundation repairs can range from around $3,500 for basic repairs to $10,000 or more for major repairs, depending on the extent of the damage. Consider getting a professional assessment to determine the specific cost for your situation.

Will foundation repair increase the value of my home?

Foundation repair may not directly increase the value of your home, but it can restore the value that may have been diminished due to foundation issues.

Should I hire a structural engineer or a home inspector to assess foundation damage?

You should hire a structural engineer for a thorough evaluation of foundation damage because they have specialized training and can provide a detailed report on the structural integrity of your home. This will ensure a comprehensive assessment.